Pesca desportiva em Angola🇦🇴2 #pescaemangola #catching #angola #shimano #pescaria #africa #fishing PABLO'SPRO 0:16 1 year ago 32 Далее Скачать
Fishing West Africa, central Angola! How I ended up with a hook in my arm! Big Permit and snappers! Zoo Look Fishing 17:32 1 year ago 25 679 Далее Скачать
ZLF Fishing in Angola! Pesca Angola! The first cast! part 1 Zoo Look Fishing 19:09 5 years ago 18 302 Далее Скачать
Fishing the south coast of Angola! Casting topwater plugs vir Garrick and shad! Flamingo Lodge. Pt3 Zoo Look Fishing 30:48 1 year ago 22 062 Далее Скачать
Great barracuda by Helder Cardoso Pesca Angola Angola sport Fishing 0:43 5 years ago 299 Далее Скачать
Fishing Angola with Spyker Kruger ANGOLA & HENTIESBAY ANGLING TOURS 1:02 7 years ago 1 784 Далее Скачать
Off the Chart: series 4: Show 21 Angola fishing: entire show: Tarpon, Dorado, garrick, kingfish OffTheChartFishing 26:25 11 years ago 16 873 Далее Скачать
Pesca De Pargo 10 kg Barra do Dande Angola jenrrys marlon casanova medina 1:31 4 years ago 167 Далее Скачать
Namibia to Angola. Fishing trip to Flamingo Lodge & Foz do Cunene Makalani Productions 4:31 8 years ago 20 539 Далее Скачать
Fishing in ANGOLA NORTH!! Fishing for CUBERA SNAPPERS and Corvina. Episode 2 Zoo Look Fishing 20:53 5 years ago 17 994 Далее Скачать
Day one of fishing for Garrick and Shad in the south of Angola! Flamingo lodge with SomeThing Fishy! Zoo Look Fishing 32:13 1 year ago 42 686 Далее Скачать
Fishing Camp Yetu. Angola North. Rio Longa River ANGOLA & HENTIESBAY ANGLING TOURS 2:46 2 years ago 381 Далее Скачать